Published Dec 28, 2009
2009 TOC All West Texas Team
Matt Stepp Staff Writer
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  • Offensive MVP: Sawyer Cornelius, QB Bushland
  • Defensive MVP: Ethan Hiser, LB Graham
  • Coach of the Year: Brad McCoy, Graham
  • 1st Team Offense
    QB: Case McCoy, Graham
    RB: Monte Anderson, Big Spring
    RB: Bradley Marquez, Odessa
    RB: Sam Brown, El Paso Coronado
    WR: Antwan Goodley, Midland
    WR: M.J. McFarland, El Paso El Dorado
    WR: Jaxon Shipley, Brownwood
    OL: Kevin Coldewey, Monahans
    OL: Sal Tonche, Abilene Wylie
    OL: Brandon Govan, Midland Lee
    OL: Jordan Nichols, Wolfforth Frenship
    OL: Austin Barnert, Muleshoe
    K: Norberto Contreras, El Paso Parkland
    1st Team Defense
    DL: Crockett Gilmore, Bushland
    DL: Rey Lujan, Dalhart
    DL: James Castleman, Amarillo
    DL: Dejion Rangel, Odessa
    LB: Matt Ritchey, Big Spring
    LB: Mamabert Riley, Odessa Permian
    LB: Kenneth Norman, Sweetwater
    DB: TC Robinson, Abilene Cooper
    DB: Darrian Samuels, Odessa
    DB: Jerry Hill, Amarillo Palo Duro
    DB: Brylon Bradford, Lubbock Estacado
    P: Derek Longoria, Brownwood
    2nd Team Offense
    QB: Derrick Teegarden, Odessa & Parker Bridwell, Hereford
    RB: Cori Sanchez, El Paso Chapin
    RB: Cody Black, Crane
    RB: Nick Kilgore, El Paso El Dorado
    WR: Austin Gray, Abilene Wylie
    WR: Chris Roten, Canyon
    WR: Thaddeus Straughter, Big Spring
    OL: Cole Gossett, Fort Stockton
    OL: Rance Layton, Seminole
    OL: Richard Abbe, Lubbock Monterrey
    OL: Quay Howard, Canyon
    OL: David Damien, Abilene Cooper
    K: Manny Pena, Anthony
    2nd Team Defense
    DL: William Choido, Lubbock Coronado
    DL: Joel Reyna, Dumas
    DL: Jared Wesley, Canyon
    DL: Jacob Hinojos, Plainview
    LB: Kelton Garcia, Snyder
    LB: Caleb Mendoza, Bushland
    LB: Ricky Robledo, Monahans
    DB: Justin Kolstad, El Paso Coronado
    DB: Josh Coward, El Paso Montwood
    DB: Keith Green, Graham
    DB: Hubbell Allen, Graham
    P: Josh Valenzuela, El Paso Franklin
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